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Giorgio Nardone |
CTS & STC Change Strategies |
Diego Ingrassia |
I&G Paul Ekman International |
Lying is a language game that needs to be learned: first of all not
to suffer it, however it raises the capabilities of the individual.
L. Wittgenstein
Lying and deceit have always been a fundamental aspect when working in the field of human relationships. Even St. Agostine had dedicated a lot of his efforts and works on this argument. He sustained that the act of lying to ourselves and others, is an intrinsic factor of the language, therefore, is an effect of communication.
Lying has always been considered prejudicially a wrong thing, yet this can be regarded so if lying is done consciously, intentionally and with a manipulative intent. Therefore the great majority of lying, such as the self-deception, the consoling deception, the therapeutic deception, the educational deception and the love deception can be dismissed from an ethical and a moral condemnation.
If we look at things from a pragmatic point of view, and if we had to take in account that more than 65% of communicative interactions are not honest if not pure lies, and if we think that our nature imposes us to constant perceptive self-deceptions, just as our culture and our knowledge impose cognitive and behavioral self-deception, lying to ourselves and others becomes a fundamental field of study and application.
Working with patients who feed their pathology on the base of dysfunctional self-deceptions, indeed, demands an intervention which converts them from dysfunctional into a more therapeutic functional ones, just like in no-clinical context benevolent lying represents a strategic tool in facing life successfully.
Owning tools to discriminate between real and false narratives, between genuine and faked emotional expressions, represents a growing need in a various contexts, such as in medicine, psychology, investigations and so on.
Therefore, the ability to recognize and learn how to use the art of lying to ourselves and to others represents one of the most important competences and skills for those working towards therapeutic and strategic change.
with Giorgio Nardone participants will acquire:
an operative tool on the art of deceiving ourselves and lying to others:
- deceiving ourselves: transforming self-deceptions from dysfunctional to functional ones.
- different types of self-deceptions and behavioural and psychological disorders
- self-deceptions and relational dynamics
- self-deceptions and blocks of performance
- the benevolent forms of lying to others: the strategic, therapeutic, consoling and educational lying
Identifying the liar and the Pragmatics of lying
- the basic forms of lying and advanced techniques
- detailed descriptions and plausible arguments
- mixing lies and truths
- acting the lie
Manipulating the liar
- creating confusion: supporting the lie to make it collapse
- the wise who acts the fool
- Mentire dicendo la verità
- lying by saying the truth
- real cases demonstrations
with Diego Ingrassia we acquire knowledge on:
- the approach to the Paul Ekman's scientific methodology in analysing the cues of truth and lie
- distinction between a real and a fake story
- the most common errors during an assessment and the false myths in the non verbal communication
- an observation technique of the 5 channels of communication
- how to identify concealed emotions through the interpretation of facial micro-expressions
- how to implement the competence of contextual listening
- real cases demonstrations
A usual practice for both speakers is to work with a constant interaction with participants and make use of volunteers from the audience for live intervention demonstrations. .
Work Timetables:
09.00 | Registrazion |
10.00 | Opening statement |
11.15 | Coffee break |
13.00 | Lunch-break |
14.30 | Opening statement |
16.15 | Coffee break |
18.30 | Closing statement |
Language: |
The Pre-Conference Workshop will be translated from Italian to English, Spanish and Russian languages following a simultaneous modality.


09.00 | Greetings and Opening statement from High Authorities |
09.30 | Introduction: by the Coordinator of the Brief Strategic and Systemic World Network, Prof. G. Nardone. |
“Performative communication. Pragmatics from ancient times to our very days. Strategies of argumentation.
The structure of communicative forms. Managing non-verbal and paraverbal language. Persuading, convincing, and manipulating..” |
Chairman: Prof. Saulo Sirigatti | |
10.30 | Report: “Origins and evolutions of indirect hypnotic language: linguistic and somatic metaphors for change of the individual and its systems” Prof. C. Loriedo |
11.15 | Report: “The logic of the Pragmatic Act: Perceptive-reactive systems and functional and dysfunctional interpersonal relationships. From healthy to pathological systems, an effect of communication.” Prof. J.J. Wittezaele |
11.45 | Report: “Humor and Provocation and its effect on the therapeutic releationship” Prof. Stefan Geyerhofer |
12.15 | Report: “Emotions and their evolved functions. The Paul Ekman's state of the art and the physiology of emotions . Research and new developments of its application.” Diego Ingrassia |
Chairman: Prof. Enrico Molinari | |
13.00 | Panel: “The Art of Reframing: techniques for leading interlocutors to change their point of view, prospective and actions.” Prof. J.J. Wittezaele, Prof. G. Nardone, Prof. M. Elkaim, Prof. S. Geyehofer. |
14.30 | Panel: “The Art of prescription: leading the patient to follow us through injunctive communication, verbal and non verbal linguistic methods” Dr. C. Hybarger, Prof. C. Loriedo, Prof. G. Nardone. |
16.00 | Panel: “The Art of Strategic Dialogue: formulating discriminating and orienting question with an illusion of alternatives. Paraphrasing so as to redefine and evoke sensations. Rendering change a co-joint discovery rather than a imposed prescription.” Prof. J.J. Wittezaele, Prof. G. Nardone, Prof. M. Elkaim |
Chairman: Prof. Pio Enrico Ricci Bitti | |
17.00 | Presentation: “The differences in communication to make patients do something or stop doing it: a work with parents” Dr. L. Velarde |
17.30 | PRESENTATIONS SELECTED BY THE SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE: Cases resolved through innovative techniques.
Chairman: Annamadia Mandese | |
18.30 | Guest Symposia: “Brief psychotherapy and psychoanalysis”
18.45 | Guided tour of the Poster |


Chairman: Prof. Saulo Sirigatti | |
09.00 | Report/Demo: “The therapist's feelings as an asset in systemic psychotherapy.” Prof. M. Elkaim |
10.00 | Presentation: “Pragmatic Communication in Cybertherapy: how to use new technology to work in a strategic way with clients.” Dr. T. Garcia Rivera |
10.30 | Presentation: “The narrative style of the integrative strategic group: tools to conduct therapy efficiently ” Dr. G. Celia |
11.00 | Presentation: “How should we communicate today?” Dr. G. Gulotta |
11.45 | Report: “The magic of analogical language: a case report.” Dr. I. Hoffmann-Bisinger |
12.15 | Report: “The corrective emotional experience: integrative systemic psychotherapy in the treatment of language disorders in developmental age.” Dr. Salvatore Gentile |
12.45 | Video: “Lessons with the Great Masters D.D. Jackson, J. Weakland, P. Watzlawick: unedited videos of treated cases.” Presentation:Dr. W. Ray, Comments: Prof. G. Nardone, Dr. S. Geyehofer , Dr. T. Garcia Rivera , Prof. J.J. Wittezaele, Prof. M. Elkaim |
14.15 | video: “Advanced techniques of strategic dialogue: video of an exemplary case by G. Nardone.” Presentation: Prof. J.J. Wittezaele Comments: ProF. M. Elkaim, Prof. C. Loriedo |
Chairman: Prof. Enrico Molinari | |
15.15 | Choral Presentation: “The Use of different communicative methods in the treatment of the diverse types of psychopathologies”” Strategic Therapy Center TEAM: Prof. G. Nardone, Dr. G. Aloe, Dr. E. Balbi, Dr. A. Bartoletti, Dr. M. Bartoletti, , Dr. M. Benedusi, Dr. E. Boggiani, Dr. F. Cagnoni, Dr. M. Chiodini, Dr. D. Crippa, Dr. G. De Santis, Dr. O. Igochina, Dr. R. Milanese, Dr. P. Mordazzi, Dr. C. Moretto, Dr. E. Muriana, Dr. B. Paoli, Dr. J. Pascual Guiteras, Dr. L. Pettenò, Dr. C. Portelli, Dr C. Ratto, Dr. S. Scartoni, Dr. B. Skorjanec, Dr. A. Vallarino, Dr. T. Verbitz , Dr. L. Velarde
18.00 | Demonstration: “Dancing between rigour and flexibility: managing communication and therapeutic relationships in line with the individual differences and beyond the type of disorder. ” Prof. G. Nardone |
20.30 | ![]()
Charity Dinner |


9.00 | Dublin Project: a pilot study on the efficiency and efficacy of TBS in the treatment of post natal depression, bulimia nervosa and OCD. Dr. P. Gibson |
9.30 | Stratob project: follow up research and outcomes in the treatment of binge-eating a comparative study between the brief strategic therapy and the behavioral cognitive therapy. Dr. G. Castelnuovo |
10.00 | Neuroscience research on obsessive-compulsive disorder and its therapeutic change through the use of magnetic resonance 7 tesla. Prof. Colonnese, Prof. V. Tombolini, Prof. G. Nardone, Dr. S. De Antoniis. |
10.30 | Strategic Diagnosis Inventory (SDI): the first strategic questionnaire for an operative diagnosis and a measurement of therapeutic efficacy. Dr. A. Bartoletti |
Chairman: Prof. Enrico Molinari | |
PRESENTATIONS SELECTED BY THE SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE: Cases resolved through innovative techniques.
Chairman: Max Damioli
12.30 | “The Strategic communication and relationships in social contexts..” Moira Chiodini, Patrizia Meringolo |
13.00 | “The need of the effective communication within health P. A..” Isidoro Gollo, Deputy Director of the Department of Mental Health Services Preservation, ASM - Matera |
13.30 | “The power of the communication within public institutions.” Simone Tani, Florence City manager |
14.00 | “Efficacious communication in the help-rapports.” R. Prato Previde |
14.20 | “The surgeon patient communication .” Roberta Milanese, Simona Milanese |
14.50 | “Escaping psycho-traps through strategic communication.” R. Prato Previde STC Change Strategies Consultant |
15.10 | “Piloting change. The use of communication to know where to go and how reach the desired change.” Susanna Mazzeschi , Testimonial: Fausto Caravello, Responsible Selection PeopleTraining and Development for Iper La grande I |
15.40 | “The Magic of words and gestures in training future leaders in the Italian Army.” Colonel Domenico Roma, Leader of the Socio-psychological and Communication Agency of Maggihours State Military Academy of Modena |
16.10 | “Strategic Leadership: the power of the charismatic communication.” Paolo Mordazzi, Testimonial: Arnaldo Aiolfi , Product Director Club Med South Europe |
16.40 | “The Power of the strategic communication in conflict management in generational changes.” M. Cristina Nardone, STC Change Strategies Managing director and consultant |
17.00 | Strategic Communication: "multiplier of the power of training Lieutenant Colonel Marco Granari, Superior Instituto di Stato Maggiore Interforze-ISSMI. |
17.30 | “From vender to persuader, leaving after to sell before: the power of words.” Donato Frigotto |
18.00 | What would the marketing be without notice and without the relationship.” Lorenzo Sciadini |
18.30 | PRESENTATIONS SELECTED BY THE SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE: Cases resolved through innovative techniques.
21.00 | ![]() AWARDS - for the Best Poster -the Best Presentation |


9.00 | “From where to start? Different methods and ways to go in Coaching” Claudio Belotti |
9.30 | “Language and logic of organizational interventions: the magic and ethics of change.” Paolo Carmassi |
10.00 | “Formulating an Assessment in a one single encounter". Giorgio Nardone |
10.30 | “Strategic team coaching” R. Prato Previde |
11.00 | “The management of human resources through the strategic interview” Salvatore D’Andrea, Human Resources Management BY CREDEM bank |
11.30 | “Driving former General Managers on a new project of professional life: the self-management strategy for peak performance” E. Balbi, G. Nardone Testimonial: Fabio Fraternale, Top Manager and Member of the Board of Confindustria Pesaro-Urbino |
12.00 | “Strategic Coaching disguised as Training: overcoming limits, managing talents for an all-female leadership.” Stefano Bartoli |
12.30 | “Changing top managers' perceptions, who are blocked by their psycho-traps of their success” M. Cristina Nardone, Testimonial: Marco Scippa, Human Resources Director, Vitec Group plc |
13.00/14.30 | PRESENTATIONS SELECTED BY THE SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE: Cases resolved through innovative techniques.
14.00 | “The voice for the development of charisma” Andrea Biagiotti |
14.30 | “Leadership, charisma and ethics: military performance vs business performance” Franco Angioni, General of Italian Army |
15.00 | “From body to mind: guiding athletes overcome physical limits through communication as applied by the technological biofeedback” Enrico De Martino, Giorgio Nardone |
15.30 | “Game over: the hidden communication in the artistic performance.” Francesco Tesei |
16030 | “From astronauts to the manager: tools to monitor and optimize performance .” Dr. F. Ongaro |
16.30 | Workshop “The language of change in the science of performance” Giorgio Nardone |