An effective marketing campaign carried out over a year can ensure the presence at the Congress of over 1,500 people from around the world. Advertisements, articles in the trade press and advertising carried out in the Internet get to a minimum of one million people.
The Web site of the Congress and continuing relations with the various institutions, both public and private, allow us to submit the event to the attention of a very large number of people..
Take the opportunity to make these important guests from all around the world learn your ideas, your products and services !
Sponsorship opportunity and advertising !
Companies interested in sponsorship forms, please fill out the application form download the membership form
and send via fax to +39. 0575. 350277 or via email to secretary@bsst.org
p.zza S. Agostino, 11 - 52100 Arezzo - Italy
Contact: Riccardo Falsetti
Tel. +39. 0575. 350240 - Fax +39. 0575. 350277 - cell. +39 347 5321458
All requests will be accepted in order of receipt.
The contract with payment and cancellation policies, technical information, floor plans and all necessary documentation will be sent.
For sponsorship amounts will be paid in the following manner:
50% by 30th June 2014 - 50% by 30th September 2014
Banca popolare di Cortona, branch of Arezzo, viale Giotto, 109
IBAN IT 82 C 05496 14100 000010633097 SWIFT POCSIT31019
Please send a copy of the transfers made via fax to +39. 0575. 350277
Platinum Sponsor (€ 20.000,00) EXCLUSIVE
- EXHIBITION SPACE (12 square meters) during the entire Congress.
- SPONSOR’S LOGO will be printed on the publications and marketing materials of the event.
- COMPANY LISTING with description and contact information will appear in the Congress Brochure.
- SPONSOR’S ADVERTISING will be inserted in the Congress bag.
- COMPANY LOGO will be displayed in all Congress hall during the event.
- SPONSOR will have a 5 minutes’ presentation during the Plenary Session.
- FREE REGISTRATION TO the Congress for the exhibitor .
Gold Sponsor (€ 15.000,00)
- EXHIBITION SPACE (6 square meters) during the entire Congress.
- Congress KIT (Congress bag, notepads e pens) or SPONSOR’S LOGO will be printed on the publications and marketing materials of the event.
- SPONSOR’S ADVERTISING will be inserted in the Congress bag (no. 1 technical sheet)..
- FREE REGISTRATION TO the Congress for the exhibitor.
Silver Sponsor (€ 7.000,00)
- EXHIBITION SPACE (metri3.2)during the entire Congress.
- SPONSOR’S LOGO will be printed on the definitive program.
- ADVERTISING will be inserted in the Congress bag (no. 1 technical sheet).
- FREE REGISTRATION TO the Congress for the exhibitor
The Executive Secretariat are ready to tailor make a package to meet your objectives and needs. Please feel free to contact the organizers to discuss your needs.
Top Sponsor for the Gala Dinner (€ 3.000,00)
Official dinner where more than 400 persons are expected to attend (including lecturers, special guests and high authorities). The Sponsor’s logo will be inserted in the menu, Sponsor’s advertising will be distributed. During the event the sponsor's representative will have a space to give out a short presentation.
Top Sponsor for the Charity Dinner for ONLUS Nardone-Watzlawick (€ 2.000,00)
Official dinner where more than 200 persons expected to attend. The Sponsor’s logo will be inserted in the menu, Sponsor’s advertising will be distributed. During the event the sponsor's representative will have a space to give out a short presentation.
Exhibition Space without furniture 3x2mt from 15 to 14 October 2014(€ 1.200,00)
Smallest booking space is 3x2 m2 for each plus square meter € 200,00 during the entire Congress. The Executive Secretariat is at exhibitors’ disposal to satisfy any further requests of additional services, technical equipments, web links, sending detailed lists with rent costs. Exhibition floor plan will be sent to all the companies asking for that exhibition space. .
Sponsorship to Scientific Sessions (€ 3.000,00) EXCLUSIVE for each session
- SPONSOR’S LOGO will be displayed in Congress Auditorium (at the beginning and at the end of the session)..
- SPONSOR will have a 5 minute presentation (with the opportunity to display their products or services).
- DEFINITION “with unconditional contribution of ...” will be inserted in the definitive program of the Congress
- SPONSOR’S LOGO will be printed onto the definitive program of the Congress.
Sponsor’s Technical Sheets in the Congress Bags
The company will insert its advertising kit in special stands situated in the Congress venue. Advertising kits are subjected to the Congress Committee approval.
Exhibition Sponsor’s Advertising Kit
The company will insert its advertising kit in special stands situated in the Congress venue. Advertising kits are subjected to the Congress Committee approval
- FOR NR. 1 CATALOGUE € 1.200,00
•Sponsor’s Logo Displayed in Auditorium Screen € 1.500,00
Sponsor’s logo will be displayed onto the Auditorium screen from the beginning till the end of each session, through out the Congress .
Congress Kit - EXCLUSIVE
- Congress BAG + NOTEPAD + PEN € 1.500,00 1.500 Congress bags complete with notepads and pens. The design and format of the Congress kit are subject to the Congress Committee's approval.
- Congress BAG € 1.000,00
1.500 Congress bags. The design of the Congress bags is subject to the Congress Committee's approval
- Congress BAG + NOTEPAD + PEN € 1.500,00 1.500 Congress bags complete with notepads and pens. The design and format of the Congress kit are subject to the Congress Committee's approval.
- NOTEPAD + PEN € 500,00
1.500 costume-made notepads and pens. These are subject to the Congress Committee's approval.
•Internet Point in the Press Office (€ 1.000,00) EXCLUSIVE
The Sponsored Press Office and the Internet Point will be situated in the Congress exhibition area.
The Sponsor’s Logo will be displayed onto the computer desktops and inserted in definite program of the event. The Sponsorship includes the preparation of the exhibition space, equipment (computers) and sponsor’s logo displayed onto the computer desktops.